This page assumes you know how to use the system to make enquiries. It describes the additional features that allow you to make changes in the system.
There are two basic implementations of the intranet version of the Local Information System:
Your system will use one version or the other. A database cannot be both synchronisable and updateable.
Below, we describe how to find out which version you are using at the moment and how to switch between them.
The features that allow you update the database are access controlled. You must specify the id and password of a 'maintenance' user before you can see them.
If your database is not password-protected, you will need to click the 'log in' button towards the bottom of the enquiry page and provide a suitable id and password. If that button doesn't appear in your system, you will have to go direct to the log in page: ValidateUser.aspx.
If your database is password-protected and you provide the id and password of a maintenance user at the start, you will see the update features automatically. If you log in with a web user id, you will have to use the 'log out' button towards the bottom of the enquiry page and log in again with a maintenance user id.
If you have logged-in as a maintenance user, you will see this button towards the bottom of the main enquiry page:
Click the button to see the page that allows you to enter a new item.
The page is split into several sections:
The following describes each section in turn...
You enter item text in a simple text editor. As you enter text, you see it displayed as it will appear in database enquiries. Use the buttons above the main entry box to change the way it appears. For example, you can make text bold, change its colour, and create lists and tables. Other features include buttons to allow you to copy text from Word and other sources, and a spelling checker.
The text editor is called CKEditor and is supplied free of charge by Frederico Knabben. Frederico provides also provides a user guide for CKEditor. Note that not all the features he describes are relevant or supported in the Local Information System.
If you set up user groups, you can hide sections of the item's text from one or more groups. Use text like:
[HideFrom xxx]yyy[/HideFrom]
where xxx is either a group id or multiple ids separated by spaces; and yyy is the text to be hidden.
The hidden text can span multiple lines of text, images, etc. It will appear to members of other groups and to people not assigned a group (which includes all maintenance users). If your system supports anonymous users (who do not have to log in) they do not belong to a group unless you assign one using the DefaultGroupList setting in the web.config configuration file (see the Intranet Installation Guide for more detail).
You cannot nest [HideGroup] tags inside each other. You will see an error message if you try to do that. Similarly, you will see error messages if you miss off a ']' or a closing [/HideGroup] tag.
You can enter/specify the following:
Alternate indexes allow you to add ways to find an entry besides the entry's title.
Effective use of alternate index entries is important to the success of your database because they help your advisers find the entries they are looking for. We provide a facility to extract search terms from the text of an entry, but you should consider adding additional terms because:
You have two ways to enter search terms:
When processing your alternate indexes, the system ignores:
Case is ignored when searching so all index entries are converted to lower case automatically.
You will see a 'Show search term suggestions' button below the entry box for alternate indexes. When you click the button, the system shows you a list of words from the text of your entry that are not already in the alternate indexes. The system automatically ignores noise words. To add one of the listed words, check the box next to it. If you change your mind, uncheck the box. To add all the suggested terms, check the box in the title row.
People have two ways to use indexes:
You should therefore add a word as an alternate index entry if:
It does not matter what sequence you use to enter alternate indexes.
There is a limit to how much space is reserved for search terms. When you save your item, the system calculates how much space you need to index the item title and your alternate index entries. You see a warning message if it exceeds the space available. You are allowed to continue saving your entry, however some terms will be excluded. Alternate index entries that are not included in the search terms are still searched by the 'A-Z' button. That's why you can sometimes find entries through the A-Z button that you cannot find through the 'Search' button.
To create a web link you must specify:
To add a new link, click the 'Add a new link' button and you will see a simple form to enter the link information. Press Enter or click 'Submit' to add you link to the list.
To change a link in the grid, click it so it is highlighted with a yellow background then click the 'Change selected link' button. Again, you will see a simple form that allows you to change the link.
To delete a link from the grid, highlight it and click the 'Delete selected link' button.
Note that your changes do not take effect until you update the entire entry. If you get into a mess you can cancel your change and start again.
If you have more than one link, the 'Change selected link' form shows buttons that allow you to move between all the links in the grid. You might find that a useful way to review links.
You can make the grid showing the links wider or narrower by dragging the right side of the grid with a mouse. You can also make individual columns wider and narrower by dragging the divider between column names with a mouse. To reposition a data entry form - perhaps to review items in your grid - drag the form's title.
Document links are very similar to web links. You add, change and delete them in exactly the same way. The key difference is that document links are interpreted by the system as links to documents in your local file system. For example, an Excel spreadsheet on your server.
There are two reasons why you might not want to use document links:
The intranet installation guide explains how to convert document links into web links on the fly. If, however, you are creating a Local Information system from scratch, it might be better to avoid document links altogether and, instead, store documents on your LIS server and refer to them with web links.
You will see this section if you have one or more user groups set up in your system. It lists all the groups with a check box next to each one. Check the box against each group that should not see this item. For them, the system will behave as if the item does not exist.
You will see the following buttons:
If you have set up groups in your system and every web user has been assigned a group, you can add an entry for review by hiding it from all groups. That way, only maintenance users can see the new entry. You should probably add a note at the top of the entry explaining it is published for review only. Once reviewed you can uncheck all the relevant 'Hide from' groups to make it visible to those groups.
Note that if you want to use this feature, but do not want to use the groups feature for any other purpose, simply:
If you have logged-in as a maintenance user, you will see an edit icon like this between the triangular twistie and the item's title.
For example:
When you click the item you will see the same page used to add new items (as described above). The page is populated with data from the entry you are editing. If the item has alternate index entries, web links, document links or 'hide from' groups; the relevant section is opened up automatically.
You see the following action buttons at the foot of the form:
To delete a database entry, click the icon between the item's twistie and its title.
You will see a page that allows you to update the item. At the foot of the page there is a 'Delete' button that allows you to delete the item after confirming via an 'Are you sure?' message.
Alternatively, if the entry still has some limited value, you might be better:
You can then reinstate the item later if appropriate.
If you have set up groups in your system and every web user has been assigned a group, you can suppress the item temporarily by hiding it from all groups. Note that maintenance users will still be able to see the entry so you should add a note at the top of the item explaining it is suppressed, and why. You can then easily reinstate the item later if appropriate.
We provide a page that allows you to maintain both maintenance and web users in your database. There is no link from any of the main pages. Instead you can display it by linking to MaintainUsers.aspx.
The page shows grids - similar to the grids you use to maintain web links and document links - for each type of user:
As you make changes in the grids, the database is updated straightaway. There is no overall submit button.
The way you update each grid is identical.
The system does not display existing passwords. Instead it shows a set of asterisks. If someone forgets their password, you can enter a new one for them. They can then change it so you no longer know it.
To add a new user, click the 'Add a new user' button and you will see a simple form to enter their details. Case is ignored when matching user ids, so ids are all converted to upper case internally. Case is, however, checked for passwords. Press Enter or click 'Submit' to add the user to your system.
If you have defined at least one user group in your system, you are able to assign web users to groups. Select a group from the drop down list shown by the 'Add a new user' form or select 'No group membership' to remove a user from a group.
To change a user, click their entry so it is highlighted with a yellow background then click the 'Change selected user' button. Again, you will see a simple form that allows you to change the user's details - leaving the password as asterisks is interpreted as a request to leave it unchanged in the database.
To delete a user, highlight it and click the 'Delete selected user' button. Note:
If you have more than one user in a grid, the 'Change selected user' form shows buttons that allow you to move between all the users in the grid. You might find that a useful way to review them.
You can make each grid wider or narrower by dragging the right side of the grid with a mouse. You can also make individual columns wider and narrower by dragging the divider between column names with a mouse. To reposition a data entry form - perhaps to review items in your grid - drag the form's title.
User groups allow you to control:
We provide a page that allows you to maintain user groups in your database. There is no link from any of the main pages. Instead you can display it by linking to MaintainGroups.aspx.
The main section of the page shows a grid - similar to the grids you use to maintain web links and document links - that allows you to add, change and delete user groups.
To add a new group, click the 'Add a new group' button and you will see a simple form to enter its details:
Press Enter or click 'Submit' to add the group to your system.
To change a group, click the group so it is highlighted with a yellow background then click the 'Change selected group' button. Again, you will see a simple form that allows you to change the group's details. Note that you cannot change a group's id once it has been created. To change an id you will have to delete the old version and add a new one.
To delete a group, highlight it and click the 'Delete selected user' button. Note:
If you have more than one group, the 'Change selected group' form shows buttons that allow you to move between all the groups in the grid. You might find that a useful way to review them.
You can make each grid wider or narrower by dragging the right side of the grid with a mouse. You can also make individual columns wider and narrower by dragging the divider between column names with a mouse. To reposition a data entry form - perhaps to review items in your grid - drag the form's title.
This section contains a drop down selector listing all the groups defined in your system. If you have just added a group, you will need to refresh the page before it shows in the list. Simply select a group to have the system produce two lists:
It's occasionally useful to save a list of documents so you can use it to track progress of, for example, a database review.
When you run a search when logged in as a maintenance user, you will see a 'Save results' button at the bottom of the results. When you click this button, the system creates a list containing the basic details of each result in comma-separated values (CSV) format. By default, CSV files open in Microsoft Excel which allows you to work with the list and, if appropriate, print it.
There are two basic implementations of the intranet version of the Local Information System:
If your system uses a SQL Server database, we allow you to switch between synchronisable and updateable dynamically. If, for example, you are already using the desktop system, you might want to use synchronisation to create and maintain your database to start with; you can use the system to make the database updateable when you are ready to switch over the the intranet version completely.
To switch between the two types of database, go to the Database Updater. You will see a box that tells you whether your database is updateable or synchronisable. If you are using SQL Server, you will also see a button that allows you to switch database types. You will need to confirm you have backed up your database before switching. Please do not skip this step.
If you switch a database from updateable to synchronisable, you will see a new option to delete all data in your database. We suggest you use this feature before your first synchronisation to minimise the time taken to run the first synch and to minimise scope for errors in the synchronisation process.
If your system uses an Access database, you can still switch using a manual procedure explained in the Intranet installation guide provided with the system installation material.
We provide page DatabaseUpdater.aspx to support database administration. When you navigate to the page you will see a set of services. What you see depends on the type of database you use (Access or SQL Server) and its status.
We provide services to: